Home Types of Discrimination Understanding Age Discrimination

Understanding Age Discrimination

Understanding Age Discrimination

Understanding Age Discrimination: Recognizing and Addressing Bias Against Older Workers


Age discrimination is the act of treating someone unfairly or differently because of their age. It can take many forms in the workplace, from biased hiring practices to denying promotions or opportunities for advancement. Here’s a closer look at age discrimination, its causes, and its impacts.

What is Age Discrimination?

Age discrimination refers to any form of bias or prejudice against people based on their age, usually but not always targeting older workers. It can take many different forms, from overt actions like denying someone a promotion because of their age, to more subtle practices like biased hiring criteria or negative stereotypes.

Causes of Age Discrimination

Age discrimination can be caused by a number of different factors. Sometimes it stems from negative stereotypes or misconceptions about older workers, like the belief that they are less adaptable or less tech-savvy than their younger counterparts. Other times, it may be driven by fear or anxiety about the changing demographics of the workforce or concerns about retirement and healthcare costs.

Impact on Older Workers

Age discrimination can have significant impacts on older workers, both in terms of their employment prospects and their overall wellbeing. When older workers are denied opportunities for advancement or are forced out of the workforce early, it can limit their financial stability and security in retirement. It can also lead to feelings of isolation, alienation, and low self-esteem.

Addressing Age Discrimination

Addressing age discrimination requires both individual and systemic change. Employers can take steps to create more inclusive and diverse workplaces, including implementing anti-discrimination policies and training programs. Older workers can advocate for themselves and their colleagues, speaking out against discrimination and seeking out resources and support.


Age discrimination is a pervasive issue in many workplaces and industries, and its impacts can be significant for older workers. Recognizing and addressing this bias is crucial for creating more equitable and inclusive workplaces, and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their age. By raising awareness of the issue, advocating for change, and promoting an inclusive and diverse culture, we can work towards a future where age discrimination is a thing of the past.

What is Age Discrimination?

Age Discrimination is classified as a type of discrimination that involves the illegal, unlawful, and unethical bias or prejudice with regard to the age of an individual or a group. The expanses of Age Discrimination are quite vast. They can affect individuals of all ages in virtually every avenue of society.

What is an Ageist?

An ageist is an individual who upholds a philosophy of Ageism, which can be defined as the act of perpetuating Age Discrimination through discriminatory actions and prejudicial beliefs. Ageism can exist in a wide range of institutions within society, ranging from biased employment hiring practices to prejudiced membership admission methodologies.

Types of Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination can occur in a variety of settings with regard to individuals ranging in age from minors to the elderly:

Age Discrimination of Minors: Although an age of consent is instituted within the legislation of the United States, Age Discrimination can take place within circumstances where a legal age of consent is not applicable.

While age of consent legislation was instituted in order to protect the safety, well-being, and interest of persons under the age of legal adulthood, Age Discrimination with regard to minors is illegal and unlawful in the event that opportunities are withheld due to their age outside of a legal parameter.

Age Discrimination for the Elderly: In many cases, senior citizens ā€“ individuals above the age of 65 ā€“ have reported situations involving Age Discrimination ranging from forced retirement to unlawful prohibitions instituted in various social settings and situations.